Most credit cards give you the option to add an additional cardholder so you can both enjoy the convenience and benefits of your account. If you have a rewards credit card, you can even earn more points if both you and the authorized user charge purchases to the account. But adding someone to your credit card account can also lead to an additional annual fee so it’s important to compare options until you find the right card for you.
What is an authorized user on a credit card?
An authorized user is a person who can use your credit card account to pay for purchases. Authorized users get their own card that’s linked to your account. This means you are still fully responsible for managing the account and paying off the balance — even if it’s from purchases they’ve made.
What can authorized users do?
The access and features available to additional cardholders can vary between cards and what the main cardholder approves. Usually, authorized users can do the following:
- Make purchases
- Earn reward points
- Check balances and transaction histories
- Set up and change their own PIN number
- Make payments towards the account balance
- Report suspicious transactions and lost or stolen cards
- Order a replacement card
- Cancel their cards
Authorized users may also be able to enjoy benefits such as travel insurance or free checked bags. However, often the main cardholder has to be present. Check your credit card’s terms and conditions or ask your bank for specific details of what features an authorized user would get through your account.
What’s the difference between authorized users and joint credit cards?
Authorized users get access to your credit card account and every purchase they make becomes your liability. In comparison, a joint credit card account offers shared responsibility, both card members can make changes to the account and are both liable for any unpaid balance.
Compare credit cards that offer free additional cardholders
What are the pros and cons to getting an authorized user?
- Shared access to credit. If your partner or family member doesn’t have a credit card or may not be eligible to get one, adding them to your account could be a convenient alternative.
- Help build credit history. If you pay your balance on time, the authorized user can also get the benefit of building credit. Keep in mind, not all card issuers report authorized users to the credit bureaus.
- Earn more points. With two people spending on one account, you could earn more points quicker if you are using a rewards credit card. This can lead to faster reward redemption for things like travel, shopping, and entertainment.
- Earn more cash back. If you are using a cash back card, having more than one user on the account can increase the amount of cash back you receive based on spending.
- Simple process. It’s relatively easy to apply for an authorized user, or to remove one from your account.
- You’re responsible for the account. As the primary cardholder, you will be legally accountable for all transactions and repayments.
- Credit history. Details of the credit card will be listed on your credit history, so any issues such as late payments could impact on your credit score.
- Additional fees. Some credit cards charge an additional cardholder annual fee on top of the regular annual fee you’ll pay for the account. Make sure you check this cost before you request a secondary cardholder to help stay on top of fees.
How can I add an authorized user to my credit card?
If you want to get a secondary card for your partner or family member, you’ll need to fill out an application. This could be available through your credit card provider’s website or online banking service. It may also be included when you apply for a new credit card.
To complete the application for an additional cardholder, you’ll need to make sure they meet the eligibility requirements and provide a range of other personal details. These vary between cards but usually include the following:
- Minimum age. This is usually the age of majority in your province.
- Identification. This includes the full name, date of birth, residential address and contact details for the person you want to add as an additional cardholder.
Once you’ve submitted the application and supporting documentation, your credit card provider will review these details. If your request is approved, your additional cardholder should receive their card in around 10 business days.
Bottom line
Getting an additional cardholder for your account can be a convenient way to share your credit card benefits. But it’s important to carefully consider the risks and discuss financial management of the account with your authorized user so that you can make this option work for you. If you haven’t found the right credit card for you to share, make sure you compare your credit cards options until you find the right fit for your wallets.
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