Approval for any credit card depends on your status. The representative APRs shown represent the interest rate offered to most successful applicants. Depending on your personal circumstances, the APR you're offered may be higher, or you may not be offered credit at all. Fees and rates are subject to change without notice. It's always wise to check the terms of any deal before you borrow. Most of the data in Finder's comparison tables is provided by Moneyfacts.
Whether you already have a Barclaycard or are thinking of getting one, it’s smart to check what fees will apply before you use a Barclaycard for non-sterling transactions. So, what should you watch out for?
The potential fees when travelling
- Non-sterling transaction fees
Most Barclaycards are on the Visa network, which is great because if a merchant takes card payments, it probably takes Visa. It also means that currency conversion takes place at Visa’s exchange rates, but depending on the Barclaycard you use, you’ll be charged a “non-sterling transaction fee” on top of this for each purchase. This is usually a percentage of the amount spent (see table below). Business Barclaycards are issued on the Mastercard network, in which case, currency conversion uses Mastercard exchange rates. - Merchant currency conversion fees (DCC)
If you’re paying at a merchant overseas, and they offer to charge your card in pounds rather than in the local currency, it means that the merchant’s exchange rates and fees rules will apply rather than your own card issuer’s. If you’ve carefully selected a card with favourable terms for overseas usage, accepting “dynamic currency conversion” (DCC) risks undoing all your hard work. - Cash advance fees
As a general rule of thumb, withdrawing cash using a credit card is an expensive choice and best avoided. These transactions can incur a fee, a higher rate of interest and your regular interest-free days each billing cycle may not apply. Some cards which are marketed for overseas use may offer favourable terms on cash advances at ATMs abroad, but don’t forget that even then, the cash machine provider may still charge you for using their machine. - Merchant hidden fees
These are rare but still worth looking out for. In some non-EU countries, merchants will simply add a percentage-based surcharge when you pay using a credit card. If in doubt, just ask the merchant before you hand over your card.
Barclaycard non-sterling transaction fees
Finder Score for credit cards
To make comparing even easier we came up with the Finder Score. Costs, perks and suitability across 120+ cards are all weighted and scaled to produce a score out of 10. The higher the score the better the card – simple.
Read the full methodologyHere’s a section from a Barclaycard summary box (a card’s “summary box” must be displayed by all card issuers, and it’s often the quickest way to ascertain what rates and fees apply to a particular card).
Some digital banks including Curve and Revolut offer alternative ways to get around fees when paying with plastic abroad.
With Curve, for example, you can control multiple cards from your Curve card and app, and even if your card issuer charges exchange fees, Curve will convert the currency for you at the standard Mastercard exchange rate. Just beware that restrictions and limitations do apply – you can read our full guide to find out more.
Bottom line
Before using your Barclaycard abroad, check for any charges or exchange rates. If your Barclaycard isn’t ideal for overseas use, think about other travel credit cards or even digital banks such as Curve or Revolut.
Frequently asked questions
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