Spot the deepfake quiz: How to identify a deepfake

Learn how to spot a deepfake and test your knowledge in our deepfake quiz.

Deepfake scams on the rise in the UK, which have the power to convince people to transfer their money, give their bank details away, or make fake investments. Our survey found that over 98% of Brits were unable to identify all 8 of the real and AI-generated celebrity videos below accurately. Learn how to spot a deepfake below and try our ‘Spot the deepfake’ quiz to see how you do!

How do you compare in the deepfake quiz?

  • Only 1.5% of participants were able to correctly identity all deepfake videos in a series of 8 clips.
  • Less than 10% of participants scored more than 6 out of 8 on the deepfake quiz.
  • Just 56% of participants were able to correctly identify more than half of the video clips.
  • The deepfake clips of two of the UK’s most well-known politicians, Boris Johnson and Jeremy Corbyn, were the hardest to identify.
  • Older generations scored higher than their younger counterparts in identifying the deepfake videos.

What is a deepfake video?

A deepfake video contains footage that has been created using artificial intelligence rather than actual film of a person. A person’s likeness is recreated convincingly in a deepfake using machine learning. This is where a computer will have been trained with hours of existing footage of that person.

Many deepfakes currently are clips of celebrities or politicians, but it is becoming harder to tell the difference between real and AI-generated videos. There are major concerns that this technology could lead people open to scams or help to spread false information.

How to spot a deepfake

Liz Edwards

Finder expert Liz Edwards answers

The proportion of deepfakes among all fraud cases has grown considerably in the UK over the last year, rising from from 1.2% of all fraud cases in 2022 to 5.9% in Q1 of 2023, according to a recent report. The more time goes on and this technology develops, the more realistic these deepfakes become, and this poses a real threat to consumers who may not even be aware that this technology exists.

As our new research shows, most Brits are unable to consistently tell the difference between real and AI generated videos. If the technology is used to manipulate messages from influential individuals – to show them asking for money or promoting a scam, for example – this is where the real danger comes in.

There are a few things you can do to keep an eye out for this type of scam:

1. Do your own independent research

If you encounter any form of content which is encouraging you to part with your money, make sure you conduct your own investigation into the opportunity. A quick Google search could reveal whether the video is real or not. You should also check with a respected news source like BBC News to see whether there are reports backing up what the person has said, or reports of an AI scam involving them. Taking a few minutes to do some research could help to avoid losing your money.

2. Study the video in detail

Study the video in detail. There are a few key details to look out for in deepfake videos. For example, is their mouth moving completely in sync with their words? Does their voice match the exact tone and dialect of the actual person? You can also check for features such as the shadow movement of the person in the video to ensure that it matches. If anything looks suspicious, it’s best to assume it’s not real.

3. Listen carefully to what they’re saying

Although these deepfake videos look realistic, a lot of the time the content will have been written by AI technology, so listen carefully and try to decipher whether this really sounds like something a human would say.

For more information on deepfakes and how to spot them, check out the video below.

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Matt Mckenna
UK Head of Communications
T: +44 20 8191 8806

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Head of Communications & Content

Matt is Finder's head of communications & content in the UK, overseeing research, editorial and video content on the site as well as media requests and spokesperson appearances in the media See full bio

Matt's expertise
Matt has written 16 Finder guides across topics including:
  • Investing
  • Banking & savings
  • Scams & consumer advocacy
  • Money saving
  • Tech & AI in personal finance

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