Investing statistics: How many people invest in the stock market?

According to our survey, almost a quarter of Brits (23%) have owned stocks and shares before.

Investing in stocks and shares has seen a surge in popularity over the last few years thanks to the rise of fee-free trading apps and interest in “meme” stocks. We look into just how many people in the UK invest, with breakdowns of who is investing and what they have invested in.

UK investing statistics: Highlights

  • Over half of UK adults (51%) have invested as of 2024, an estimated 27 million people, up from 2 in 5 (42%) in 2023.
  • Almost a quarter of Brits (23%) have invested in the stock market as of 2024, making it the most popular investment type.
  • 68% of generation Z has invested before, up from 60% in 2023.
  • 3 in 5 men (60%) have invested before, compared to 2 in 5 women (42%).
  • 7 in 10 Londoners (72%) have invested at some point.
  • 1 in 10 millennials (9%) have placed money in ethical investments, more than any other generation.

How many people invest in the UK?

In 2024, an estimated 27 million Brits (51%) have invested, an increase from the 42% of Brits who had invested in 2023. There is still a gender gap in investing, as around two-fifths of women (42%) have invested, compared to three-fifths of men (60%).

However, the number of women investing has risen by 10 percentage points to 42% compared to 32% at the start of 2023.

How many people invest in the stock market?

Almost a quarter of Brits (23%) have invested in the stock market as of 2024, making it the most popular investment type. This equates to around 12.5 million UK adults and is a 34% increase from 2023, when 18% of Brits said they had owned stocks and shares.

If you are one of those people – or you’re considering investing – it’s worth keeping your allowances before tax in mind. For example, you can use a dividend tax calculator to work out whether you’ll pay tax on any dividends.

What are the most common investment types?

Stocks and shares are the most common investment type, followed by bonds, which are chosen by 13% of UK adults. Funds are also relatively popular, with 1 in 10 UK adults (11%) opting to invest in one. Although it is a more volatile and high-risk investment type, 1 in 10 Brits (10%) have also invested in cryptocurrency.

Less popular investment types include ready-made portfolios (7%), exchange-traded funds or ETFs (6%), ethical investment and ESG (5%), options or futures (5%), forex (4%) and CFDs. Other investment types mentioned by respondents included property and gold.

Most popular investment types include long-term buy-and-hold strategies. However, some retail investors do try their hand at trading and copying the experts – although research suggests that roughly 70% of these people will lose money.

Made with Flourish
What have you invested in? Percentage
Stocks and shares 23.48%
Bonds 13.41%
Funds 11.12%
Cryptocurrencies 10.52%
Ready-made portfolios 6.53%
ETFs 5.58%
Ethical investments 4.99%
Options/Futures 4.84%
Forex 4.09%
CFDs 3.14%

Gen Z is investing more than any other generation

68% of generation Z has invested at some point in their lives, the highest percentage of all the generations. This is interesting, considering they have had the least amount of time to invest and could speak to the increasing popularity of trading apps (link).

Millennials are also keen investors, with 65% having placed money into an investment of some kind. Less than half of generation X have invested (48%), and this drops again for baby boomers (36%). Interestingly, more of the silent generation has invested than baby boomers, at 46%.

Made with Flourish
Generation % that has invested
Gen Z 67.61%
Millenials 64.75%
Gen X 48.51%
Baby boomers 36.46%
Silent generation 45.54%

Generation Z is the most keen on investing, but what are they investing in? Our survey found that 1 in 5 (20%) had invested in stocks and shares, which is tied in popularity with funds (20%). 12% have invested in bonds, and 1 in 10 (11%) have invested in cryptocurrencies.

Which part of the UK has the most investors?

Londoners lead the way, with an impressive 7 in 10 (72%) investing as of 2024. The other regions of the UK are fairly similar – the North East comes in second place with 54%, followed by Northern Ireland in third place with 52%.

Wales is at the bottom of the table with 43% investing, and Scotland is very close behind, also with 43%.

Made with Flourish
What have you invested in? Percentage
Stocks and shares 23.48%
Bonds 13.41%
Funds 11.12%
Cryptocurrencies 10.52%
Ready-made portfolios 6.53%
ETFs 5.58%
Ethical investments 4.99%
Options/Futures 4.84%
Forex 4.09%
CFDs 3.14%


Finder commissioned Censuswide in January 2024 to carry out a nationally representative survey of adults aged 18+. A total of 2,006 people were questioned throughout Great Britain, with representative quotas for gender, age and region. We used ONS figures for the UK adult population.

Click here for more research. For all media enquiries, please contact –

Matt Mckenna
UK Head of Communications
T: +44 20 8191 8806

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To make sure you get accurate and helpful information, this guide has been edited by Joselle Delos Reyes as part of our fact-checking process.
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Emily Herring is a Publisher at Finder specialising in credit-based products including credit cards and business and personal loans. Emily has recently joined the Investments team. She has a Masters in Creative Writing & Publishing and a Bachelor of Arts in Communication & Media. See full bio

Emily's expertise
Emily has written 145 Finder guides across topics including:
  • Loans & credit cards
  • Building credit
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Co-written by


Sophie Barber is a content marketing manager for Finder in the UK after previously working as a content manager at a digital marketing agency. She has over 5 years experience in writing and publishing clear, concise and informative online articles for a variety of websites. See full bio

Sophie's expertise
Sophie has written 77 Finder guides across topics including:
  • Publishing original personal finance research
  • Creating data-led statistics pages to highlight industry trends
  • Cost of living and money saving tips
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