
Peugeot 107 insurance group and cost

Compare car insurance costs for your Peugeot 107 based on your age and location.

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The Peugeot 107 is a small city car, produced by the French manufacturer since 2005. It’s an affordable vehicle to buy, run and insure. In this guide, you’ll discover the key facts about insuring a Peugeot 107.

Peugeot 107 insurance groups and cost by driver’s age

Peugeot 107 models range from insurance groups 3 to 5, so you can generally expect the cost of your insurance to be much cheaper in comparison to other makes and models.

However, the the cost of insurance can vary between insurance groups based on a number of different factors including your car’s performance, safety features and cost of repair. For example, a 30-year-old driver in an average postcode could pay around £526 for cover on a Peugeot 107 1.0 XE Lite 3d (insurance group 3), or around £498 for a Peugeot 107 1.0 Envy (05/13-) 3d which falls in insurance group 5. In this example, although the Peugeot 107 1.0 Envy 3d is only 2 insurance groups higher than the Peugeot 107 1.0 XE Lite 3d, it’s still an extra £46 to insure each year.

You can find the insurance group and likely premium cost of your Peugeot 107 model in the table below.

Model / Version
Group (1-50)
Age 20yrs
Age 30yrs
Age 40yrs
Age 50yrs
1.0 XE Lite 3d
1.0 Urban Lite (12/08-) 3d
1.0 Urban Lite 3d
1.0 Urban Lite 5d
1.0 Kiss 3d
1.0 XL 5d
1.0 XL 5d 2-Tronic
1.0 Urban (12/08-) 3d
1.0 Urban (12/08-) 3d 2-Tronic
1.0 Urban (12/08-) 5d
1.0 Urban (12/08-) 5d 2-Tronic
1.0 Urban 3d
1.0 Urban 3d 2-Tronic
1.0 Urban 5d
1.0 Urban 5d 2-Tronic
1.0 Sport XS 3d
1.0 Urban Move 3d
1.0 Urban Move 5d
1.0 Verve 3d
1.0 Verve 5d
1.0 Millesim 3d
1.0 Millesim 5d
1.0 Sport 3d
1.0 Sportium 3d
1.0 Sportium 5d
1.0 Allure (2012) 3d
1.0 Allure (2012) 5d
1.0 Allure 3d
1.0 Allure 3d 2-Tronic
1.0 Allure 5d
1.0 Allure 5d 2-Tronic
1.0 Envy 3d
1.0 Envy 5d
1.0 Envy (05/13-) 3d
1.0 Envy (05/13-) 5d

Average Peugeot 107 insurance cost

To provide you with an idea of how much it may cost you to insure your Peugeot 107, we ran several quotes to find an average figure. Based on our results, on average, you could insure your Peugeot 107 with a comprehensive policy for the monthly price of £58.20, or an annual sum of £656.23.

Peugeot 107 insurance cost by location

The table above shows the average cost of Peugeot 107 insurance based on insurance groups and driver age. However, a number of other factors can affect the cost of your car insurance premium, one of the biggest being your location.

To show how much your location can impact your premium, here are some average quotes for a 30-year-old living in three different locations. The quotes are for a Peugeot 107 1.0 Urban 5d.

  • Expensive: £791 (London SE1)
  • Average: £526 (Newcastle NE1)
  • Cheap: £538 (Galashiels TD1)

Which factors affect my Peugeot 107 insurance rate?

Along with the insurance group, there are other key factors that impact your insurance premium costs:

  • Engine type and capacity. In general, the bigger the engine, the higher the cost of your insurance. An average 30-year-old may pay £526 for the Peugeot 107 1.0 Verve 5d, but could pay around £498 for the Peugeot 107 Envy (05/13-) 5d.
  • Driver location. Your location is one of the biggest factors that insurers consider when determining the cost of your car insurance. Your post code helps determine the level of risk that your car may be stolen or you’ll be involved in an accident, and this affects the cost of insurance. For example, a 30-year-old in central London may pay £791 for insurance for a Peugeot 107 1.0 Sportium 5d, while the same 30-year-old in Newcastle may only pay £526.
  • Driver age. Age is one of the most significant factors that providers look at when calculating your car insurance. In general, the younger you are, the more risk you represent to insurers, and the more you’re likely to pay for insurance. The average 20-year-old driver in London may pay £2,297 for the Peugeot 107 1.0 Allure 5d, while the average 40-year-old Londoner will only pay £651. The extra £592 jump in premium for the younger driver is indicative of the added risk.

Other factors that influence the cost of your insurance include:

  • Your marital status
  • Your credit score
  • Your job title
  • Your car’s safety rating score
  • The model of your car
  • The age of your car
  • Your car’s security and any extra anti-theft precautions
  • Annual miles driven
  • Your driving history and activity
  • No claim discount

Peugeot 107 facts and trivia

  • The Peugeot 107 is mostly assembled in Kolin, Czech Republic.
  • The vehicle’s design is based on the Citroën C1 and the Toyota Aygo.

Bottom line

The Peugeot 107 is highly affordable to insure, but our guide will help you to lower your insurance costs even further.

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*Based on data provided by Consumer Intelligence Ltd, www.consumerintelligence.com (July ’24). 51% of car insurance customers could save £523.17
The offers compared on this page are chosen from a range of products we can track; we don't cover every product on the market...yet. Unless we've indicated otherwise, products are shown in no particular order or ranking. The terms "best", "top", "cheap" (and variations), aren't product ratings, although we always explain what's great about a product when we highlight it; this is subject to our terms of use. When making a big financial decision, it's wise to consider getting independent financial advice, and always consider your own financial circumstances when comparing products so you get what's right for you. Most of the data in Finder's comparison tables has the source: Moneyfacts Group PLC. In other cases, Finder has sourced data directly from providers.
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Danny is a publisher at Finder specialising in insurance and investing. He previously worked at the global insurer Aon and has appeared in national media giving advice on insurance. Danny holds a BA in International Business from the University of Plymouth and has undying loyalty to his average-poor football team, Portsmouth FC. See full bio

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