Will changing job affect my mortgage application?

Changing jobs could have a significant impact on your mortgage application.

Think carefully before securing debts against your home. Your home may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage.

A new job might be exciting for you, but it could have a negative effect on your mortgage application.

Many lenders often see a new job as being less stable than one you have had for many years.

This is due to:

  • A probation period. Your contract could be terminated at short notice and with less explanation during your probation period.
  • Redundancy. Newer employees tend to be let go first when companies are making redundancies.

If you lose your job due to either of these reasons, you’ll be at serious risk of falling behind on your mortgage repayments.

As such, even if your new job provides higher pay, you may need to convince your mortgage lenders of its stability.

What job changes might concern mortgage lenders?

Mortgage lenders want to see proof of financial stability and job security.

The best way to show them this is to wait until you’ve passed your probation period before applying for a mortgage.

However, if you remain in the same line of work on the same or higher salary, a brand new job is likely to be less of a big deal.

If you’re changing careers, this could raise more concerns, as you’re often perceived as being less likely to remain in the job.

If you’re switching to a job that’s partly commission-based, this could also cause problems, as your income is perceived as being less guaranteed.

What if I’m becoming self-employed?

If you’re turning self-employed or starting a business, this could ring even more alarm bells, as even less of your pay is guaranteed.

Some lenders require a couple of years worth of pay receipts before even considering approving a mortgage for self-employed applicants.

Any capital you borrow to launch your new business could also count against you in your mortgage application, as this is likely to decrease the spending power available to repay your mortgage.

Finder survey: Do you know what can harm your chances of getting a mortgage?

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What can you do to convince the lenders to approve your mortgage?

Most lenders will arrange an interview with one of their mortgage experts about your job change. This is your opportunity to show them proof that your job and pay is likely to be secure.

Give examples of the transferable skills you are bringing to your new career. Show them any payslips you’ve been given so far – and provide examples of the average commission that others in your job have made in the past.

Lenders will usually want to see the following documents:

  • An official offer of employment detailing your start date, title and pay.
  • Any recent payslips you’ve been given, if applicable.
  • Contact details for the Human Resources department.

There are some lenders that specialise in offering mortgages to self-employed applicants. If you’re becoming self-employed, you may have to apply to these specialists for a mortgage.

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Matthew Boyle is a banking and mortgages publisher at Finder. He has a 7-year history of publishing helpful guides to assist consumers in making better decisions. In his spare time, you will find him walking in the Norfolk countryside admiring the local wildlife. See full bio

Matthew's expertise
Matthew has written 281 Finder guides across topics including:
  • Helping first-time buyers apply for a mortgage
  • Comparing bank accounts and highlighting useful features
  • Publishing easy-to-understand guides

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