Press Release

For immediate release

Over half of Brits fear Brexit could cause them to ditch European travel plans

  • Report reveals increase in flight costs would cause nearly 2 in 5 Brits (38%) to go on fewer EU mini-breaks after Brexit
  • Almost 1 in 5 young Brits aged 18–38 (19%) would opt against travelling to EU countries if data roaming charges are reintroduced

05 March 2019, LONDON

The effects of Brexit could cause over 56% of Brits to shun EU mini-breaks, according to new research from personal finance comparison site,

The report reveals that increased flight costs are a key concern for Brits traveling post-Brexit, with almost 2 in 5 (38%) claiming they would travel less to the EU as a result. This is followed closely by uncertain exchange rates, with 33% reporting that a devaluation of the pound after Brexit would deter them from taking trips to the EU.

The generation most concerned about the impact of Brexit on their European travel plans is Brits aged 18–38 (67%). Increased flight costs would deter 44% and 38% say that a devaluation of the pound would cause them to re-think European mini-breaks.

Regionally, those in Northern Ireland (65%) and the North East (64%) feel that their travel plans will be affected the most by Brexit, with the North West of England most concerned about an increase in flight costs (40%).

Finder’s research has shown that the stability of GBP is a big concern for many Brits and a major factor when booking holidays. We advise British holidaymakers to keep an eye on the exchange rate before planning going on holiday in order to plan their spending appropriately. Our Brexit Exchange Rate Tracker offers an interactive currency exchange rate chart to track the impact that the latest Brexit events have had on the pound since the EU referendum,” said Jon Ostler, CEO (UK) of

Re-introduction of data roaming charges would deter 1 in 5 young Brits

Rumours surrounding the return of roaming charges after Brexit have also heightened anxiety among young people with nearly 1 in 5 (19%) of 18- to 38-year-olds expressing their reluctance to travel to the EU if a separate roaming deal is not successfully negotiated with the UK.

The region most concerned about the re-introduction of roaming charges is Scotland, with 22% of Scots claiming this would affect their travel plans. Conversely, fewer than 1 in 10 (8%) of those in the East Midlands feel it would influence their decision.

A quarter of Brits would reconsider EU mini-breaks due to longer passport queues

According to, many Brits are concerned about the prospect of longer passport queues after the UK leaves the EU, with a quarter of respondents (25%) reporting that it would result in them travelling less to the EU.

Those in Scotland (33%) and the North East (31%) believe this would be a major factor in the decision-making when it comes to planning European short breaks.

Loss of the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) would drive 1 in 5 of us to change our holiday plans

If the UK leaves the EU with no deal, the EHIC will no longer be valid. While the government claims to seek agreements with countries on health care arrangements, 21% of Brits feel the lack of free European health cover would cause them to take fewer trips. Interestingly, Generation Z is the most concerned about health cover, with 31% stating this would impact their holiday plans.

“It’s understandable that higher costs may influence people to opt for more staycations, but it’s surprising that roaming charges, health insurance and passport queues have such a bearing on the choice of destination.

“Although the EHIC card does offer great benefits, it won’t cover you for repatriation nor does it cover for delays or cancellation. For less than £10, basic European travel insurance will give you the same benefits of the EHIC as well as offering additional cover and benefits. There are also many ways that you can avoid roaming charges should they be reintroduced after Brexit,” continued Ostler.

While the status of EU roaming charges is still up for debate, Ostler advises on top tips for avoiding costly mobile data fees on your travels

  • Turn off data roaming in advance of your arrival abroad as unintentional background processes, such as email, can result in hefty charges.
  • Wi-Fi is commonplace throughout Europe and should be readily available in cafes, restaurants and hotels. Always ensure you’re connected to Wi-Fi for emails, browsing, using Internet-enabled services and you could also download music and podcasts before you head out.
  • If you do a lot of travelling, you should look into pay-as-you-go SIM cards. Usage will be far cheaper than paying roaming charges, but your number will be different when you’re using an alternative SIM.


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The information in this release is accurate as of the date published, but rates, fees and other product features may have changed. Please see updated product information on's review pages for the current correct values.

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