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According to our survey, almost 1 in 5 (18%) of Brits have owned stocks and shares before.
Learn more about the average savings in the UK, broken down by age and account type.
How many Brits have a digital-only bank account in 2024?
We look at the latest side hustle statistics and trends across the UK, including how many people have them and the average earnings.
Here's what you need to know about the rise of buy now pay later services in the UK.
We look at the latest statistics on credit card ownership and spending in the UK.
What are the typical debt levels for people living in the UK?
From the average house price to how many outstanding mortgages there are, we explore all the latest statistics in the UK.
What are the biggest banks? How are opinions about banks changing? Find the latest UK banking statistics here.
How Brits are using their debit cards.
We look at the average credit scores in the UK, including by age and by area.
What are the latest statistics on lending to SMEs and small businesses?
The latest statistics for business credit cards explored.
How many people use Robinhood and what do they invest in?
Our panel of experts share their predictions on interest, mortgage and savings rates for 2024.
38% of people are working from home at least some of the time. Is hybrid working here to stay?
How is the cost of living crisis affecting the UK?
How many Brits are adopting vegan and vegetarian diets?
How much will Brits spend during the Black Friday sales this year?
The latest mobile internet statistics on how we use the Internet on our phones.
How many Brits own crypto?
Up, down or sideways – what lies ahead for the price of Cardano?
Is ChatGPT outperforming the top 10 most popular funds in the UK?
We summarise the latest outbound travelling habits of UK residents.
How much are Brits going to spend on gifts this year?
What is the cost of a city centre flat in countries around the world?
Is the UK prepared for the worst?
Find out which UK banks are crypto-friendly - and which aren’t.
We asked all the major buy now, pay later providers in the UK, and found a credit score lottery.
The definitive ranking of the most popular cryptocurrencies across 26 countries.
How many Brits are getting their foot on the property ladder and at what age are they buying their first house?
A closer look at the facts and figures of payday loans
Have homeowners in Britain got their homes covered?
CFDs are a highly risky way to trade. Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) analysis has revealed 82% of CFD customers lose money.
Does the UK know how much to save up for retirement?
How many Brits are taking out travel insurance when they go abroad?
Is health insurance worth the expense?
With a valuation of £1.25 billion, Monzo is one of Britain's biggest startups to date.
The typical business owner is 51, British and male
All the statistics, trends and market data you need on NFTs.
Less than 5% of Brits have a stocks and shares ISA. How much do Brits invest in stocks and shares ISAs?
How has Airbnb grown in the UK’s capital?
Valued at $1.7 billion (£1.3 billion) and funded to the tune of $336.5 million (£257 million), Revolut is one of the world's biggest fintech unicorns.
Discover the latest travel money statistics from the UK.
How many Brits are buying homes to let them out?
Which cities in the UK have the highest and lowest living costs?
Is the UK paying too much for car insurance?
What's in store for the price of XRP this year and beyond?
Where does the UK send its money?
Discover how much tax the average person pays and how the UK government gets taxes from and how they spend the money.
How many people have a guarantor loan in the UK?
How do trading fees differ for investing platforms?
Our panel is split on whether or not Dogecoin (DOGE) is worth investing in.
How much do Brits use their overdrafts and how much is the overdraft industry really worth?
Are people still using bank branches? Is your area being affected by bank branch closures? Find out the latest data here.
Do inflation rates reduce the value of your savings?
Find out the latest statistics and how to avoid online shopping scams.
Here's how the prices of common items in the UK have changed since 1992 in comparison to inflation.
An estimated 11 million Brits planned to work remotely overseas in 2023.
A comprehensive study of the state of ESG in the UK.
What's in store for the price of SOL this year and beyond?
How many UK consumers spend their money on February 14th?
We have compiled data on the average prices of beer in the most populated cities around the world.
Over 32 million Brits receive gifts they do not want, worth some £1.2 billion combined.
43% of Brits have gambled in some way in this year. We unpacked the latest stats to see what we are gambling on and how much we spend.
How many Brits are making New Year's resolutions for the next year and what are the most common?
Brits spend over £2 billion every single year on subscription services – but which are the most popular and how is the market growing?
We look at how much people are likely to spend on Easter eggs and other treats.
How much do British people spend on their spooky celebrations every year? Find the latest Halloween statistics here.
Every year, we track 7 different ways to invest or save £1,000. What has performed well recently?
All the statistics you need to know about student loans.
Where are students spending their budgets?
Here are the numbers you need to know about the biggest cryptocurrency.
Here's everything you need to know about the fintech company looking to revolutionise banking.
Women are closing the investing gap to men.
Use our calculator to find out how long it would take you to save up a million pounds based on the interest on your savings account.
Get updated on how Brits are handling their current accounts.
Discover the latest pocket money statistics and see how children look after their money.
What are the average rent and mortgage costs in the UK? We’ve done the calculations to help you decide which is the more worthwhile investment.
We compared the S&P 500's live market value with the worst market crashes of the last 50 years.
Our panel of experts shares their predictions on the course of the pound and its strength against the dollar and the euro.
We look at the average salary figures in the UK and whether wages have grown in line with inflation.
How big will the electric vehicle market be in 2030?
The UK's cheapest and most expensive cities to buy a property.
Discover key information on solar panels, including how many are needed to power your home, the UK, Europe and the world.
Learn about the UK’s business trips.
How has iPhone popularity changed in the UK?
How healthy is the UK? We dived into all the latest stats to give you the figures on life expectancy, alcohol consumption, obesity and more.
Brits spent an estimated £17.1 billion on weddings abroad in 2023.

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