Frank Pickles caravan insurance review

We've analysed the caravan insurance offered through Frank Pickles, which can arrange both touring and static caravan cover. Here's what you need to know about this online broker.

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Frank Pickles

Whatever type of caravan you own, you’ll want to keep it safe. Frank Pickles says it can help owners find the right protection to meet their needs, with its caravan policies designed for personal and family holiday use only.

What’s more, the broker claims that its unique additional breakdown policy for cars and touring caravans covers both mechanical faults and punctures to get owners back on the road sooner. Here’s what else we think you should know.

Who is Frank Pickles?

Frank Pickles is a specialist insurance broker that was established in 1960.

With more than 50 years of experience, the broker sources insurance for touring and static caravans, park homes and emergencies at home.

As an online insurance broker, a caravan insurance quote can be obtained online and any subsequent policy document will only be available online.

What types of caravan insurance are available?

  • Touring caravan insurance. This is relevant for anyone towing a caravan on the roads for leisure. This is not a legal requirement but worth considering to keep a caravan protected whilst being towed.
  • Static caravan insurance. This type of insurance is best suited to a caravan that is permanently fixed in one place. Again, this is not a legal requirement, but most holiday parks will require a basic level of protection in the form of caravan liability insurance.

What is covered under my Frank Pickles insurance policy?

  • Accidental damage cover whilst towing
  • Fire, explosion, flood and storm damage
  • Theft, attempted theft or vandalism cover
  • Public liability cover up to £1 million

Optional extras for touring caravan insurance

  • Legal expenses cover
  • European cover of either 90 or 180 days
  • Car and caravan breakdown cover
  • Increased contents cover up to £3,000
  • Increased public liability cover up to £2 million
  • Policy excess protection
  • Accidental damage to the caravan as a unit and not the interior
  • Fire, explosion, flood and storm damage cover
  • Outbuildings cover such as verandas, decking, skirting
  • Public liability cover up to £1 million

Optional extras for static caravan insurance

  • Legal expenses cover
  • Increased public liability cover up to £5 million
  • Increased contents cover up £10,000
Check your policy details carefully to ensure you have the right cover for your needs.

General exclusions

Frank Pickles has some general exclusions that apply:

  • When your caravan is being used for a purpose not included under your policy
  • Depreciation of your caravan
  • Decoration of the caravan interior
  • General wear and tear
  • Manufacturing defects
  • Rust, corrosion or any gradual deterioration

Check your policy for further details to confirm your cover is valid.

How to save on your caravan insurance policy with Frank Pickles

  • Increase security. Fit security alarms and immobilisers to deter thieves. Fitting a security camera or tracking device may also be a good idea.
  • Increase the excess. Agreeing to pay a bigger voluntary excess could make your overall premium cheaper. But remember that your insurer won’t pay out for a claim that costs less than your excess. So be careful about making it too high, as it could leave you out of pocket if damage occurs.
  • Increase safety. Installing devices such as electronic anti-snaking devices, axle wheel locks to the caravan chassis or tyre pressure monitoring systems to caravan tyres, could result in additional discounts.
  • Join a club. Savings could be made by becoming a member of a national or regional caravan owners’ club.

What is my excess?

Your insurance excess is the amount of money you have to pay towards a claim. Your insurer won’t pay out for a claim that costs less than this amount.

A voluntary excess is normally an amount set by you when taking out a policy. You’ll have the option of adding or increasing a voluntary excess, which could in turn reduce your premium.

Meanwhile, a compulsory excess amount might vary depending on the age and standard of your caravan or your driving experience.

With Frank Pickles’ caravan insurance, there is a compulsory excess of £100, which can be increased in order to reduce the premium.

You’ll find details about any compulsory or voluntary excesses in your policy document.

What is the claims process for Frank Pickles?

In order to make a claim, you will need to refer to your policy document for the contact details of your insurer’s claims handlers. As the broker only offers online brokering services, you will need to check your policy document online.

It’s worth having your insurance policy details as well as all facts about any incident to hand before making the call.

And it’s important that you let your insurer know about an incident as soon as possible, even if it’s not your fault. A delay in reporting an incident or failure to report it could result in a rejected claim later on.

Frank Pickles pros and cons


  • Touring and static caravan insurance available
  • Optional extras available to enhance cover


  • Your policy document is only available online

Our verdict

If you prefer to clutch your policy document safely in your hands, then Frank Pickles may not be for you as its services are offered online only. That said, you can log into your account and access your policy document at any time.

Before you take the plunge on a policy, do a little research and compare caravan insurance providers to find the best deal that matches your needs and your wallet.

Frequently asked questions

The offers compared on this page are chosen from a range of products we can track; we don't cover every product on the market...yet. Unless we've indicated otherwise, products are shown in no particular order or ranking. The terms "best", "top", "cheap" (and variations), aren't product ratings, although we always explain what's great about a product when we highlight it; this is subject to our terms of use. When making a big financial decision, it's wise to consider getting independent financial advice, and always consider your own financial circumstances when comparing products so you get what's right for you. Most of the data in Finder's comparison tables has the source: Moneyfacts Group PLC. In other cases, Finder has sourced data directly from providers.
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Liz Edwards has been a consumer writer and editor for more than 20 years. She led award-winning teams at the campaigning publisher Which?, and has covered a range of consumer rights and personal finance topics including pensions, credit, banking and insurance. Liz has appeared frequently in national media such as The Sun, Metro, HuffPost and The Independent. She loves to cut through waffle to give consumers the real lowdown. And she loves puns. See full bio

Liz's expertise
Liz has written 92 Finder guides across topics including:
  • Consumer rights and protection
  • Saving money
  • Buy now, pay later
  • Insurance
  • Consumer trends

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