Compare car insurance by make and model

Find the right car insurance for your car's make and model.

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When insurers are working out your premium, they analyse much more than just your driving record and postcode. Their algorithms are all slightly different but they generally consider the claims and accident records for the exact make and model of the car you intend to insure. To give you a ballpark idea of what yours could be, we’ve used scenarios to get quotes for a range of car models.

Compare car insurance by make and model

What’s my car’s make and model?

Make and model are common words you’ll hear when shopping for car insurance or a new car. Your car’s manufacturer or brand is called the make – like Ford or Toyota. The model of your car is the specific car you have. For example, Honda makes models like the Jazz, the Accord or Civic, which have different features, body style and upgrade options.

If you’re not sure which model you drive, you can usually find out by looking at the back of your car. Or read your car’s instruction manual or vehicle registration certificate.

What’s the difference between a make and model?

Let’s say you have a shiny red Toyota Yaris.

The make

The make of your car is your vehicle’s manufacturer – in this case, Toyota. Other vehicle makes include Nissan, Mercedes-Benz, Jeep and Volkswagen.

The model

The model of your car is Yaris. It’s what identifies a specific car made by the manufacturer. If you have a Ford Fiesta, the model is Fiesta. If you have a BMW M3, the model is M3.

How does make and model affect insurance rates?

It pays to compare rates and get estimates for the type of car you drive to find out if you’re getting the best deal. You might also need different cover depending on your car model. A pricier car might need a higher maximum to cover any damage in an at-fault accident, and an older or less reliable car is more likely to need roadside assistance (which you can include in some policies, or buy separately).

  • Vehicle cost (and cost of repairs and spares). Because pricier cars also tend to be more expensive to repair, they generally cost more to insure. You might also need a higher maximum cover figure to cover claims, which means you’ll pay more for cover.
  • Safety ratings. Safer cars get into accidents less frequently. That means fewer claims on average — and more savings for you.
  • Location. Your address plays a big role in what you pay for your car insurance. For example, someone may pay more for their insurance in London compared to someone in Cornwall due to a higher crime rate.
  • Engine size and performance. Cars with a higher engine size tend to have higher performance capabilities, meaning they will be able to drive much faster and are at higher risk of having a collision. This means that the insurance rate will be higher to cover the added risk.

Does my car’s body type affect insurance?

Yes, the specific trim and body type can also raise or lower your rates.

Convertibles, sports cars and SUVs tend to be more expensive to insure. Soft-top convertibles are easier to break into. It’s too tempting not to drive fast in a sports car, and this gives them a higher risk of being involved in a crash.

If you opted for an upgraded trim or a few extra features, chances are that raised your car’s market value. Opting for heated seats or a fancy sound system wouldn’t typically be enough to change insurance rates significantly, but insuring a car with several thousand pounds in upgrades might raise your rates enough to matter.”

Danny Butler, Finder insurance lead

How does my car’s trim affect car insurance?

The make and model of the car you drive is the biggest factor that determines your insurance rates, but even your car’s trim level can affect rates. The trim level of your car is specific to your model. For example, the Mini Cooper S and JCW include higher-end specs and a higher-end price than the standard trim Mini Cooper. You’ll also get more horsepower and sport seats with this fancier trim level.

Bottom line

Your car insurance premium is affected by many different factors and rates can change drastically based on which car you drive. As insurers work out premiums in slightly different ways it’s worth comparing car insurance to find the best deal for your vehicle. And if you’re considering buying a car, it’s worth taking the the insurance into account – you can get insurance estimates for a car you don’t yet own.

Frequently asked questions

*Based on data provided by Consumer Intelligence Ltd, (July ’24). 51% of car insurance customers could save £523.17
Liz Edwards's headshot
To make sure you get accurate and helpful information, this guide has been edited by Liz Edwards as part of our fact-checking process.
Danny Butler's headshot
Written by


Danny is a publisher at Finder specialising in insurance and investing. He previously worked at the global insurer Aon and has appeared in national media giving advice on insurance. Danny holds a BA in International Business from the University of Plymouth and has undying loyalty to his average-poor football team, Portsmouth FC. See full bio

Danny's expertise
Danny has written 327 Finder guides across topics including:
  • Car, home and business insurance
  • Helping people save money on their insurance
  • Project management
  • Giving valuable insights to website visitors
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