
Audi A8 insurance rates

Find out how much it costs to insure an Audi A8 and how you could save.

The A8 is typical of Audi’s luxury range. A sleek and efficient four-door sedan, the A8 has gone through several generations and facelifts since its debut in 1994. It might be presumed that for such a stylish car, especially one that was described by multiple car magazines as a technological marvel, the insurance will be astronomical. Not so fast!

Whilst the A8 may be quite pricey, read on to see just how much you’d be paying – and how you can save!

How much will it cost to insure an Audi A8?

Average car insurance for the A8 works out as an annual payment of £1,122.95, or monthly instalments of £104.37. These figures were generated from an average of various quotes offered by insurance companies, using the following criteria:

  • 2018 Audi A8 model
  • Driver identified as a thirty-year-old teacher from Exeter, using the car for social and commuting reasons
  • An average of 10,000 miles driven per year
  • Good credit history
  • Car parked on a driveway overnight
  • Five years no claims discount applied

Which factors can affect insurance rates for an Audi A8?

  • Model of car (particularly type and year of release)
  • Security and anti-theft devices
  • The age, marital status, and geographical location of the driver
  • Annual miles driven
  • Any modifications installed on the car
  • No claims discount
  • Driver’s credit history
  • The engine capacity of the Audi has a remarkable impact on the price of car insurance. The 3L A8, the lowest capacity you can buy, will result in an average monthly premium of £98.05. This rockets up to £124.76 if you opt for the most powerful, a whopping 6.3L engine.

Audi Trivia

  • Audi is no stranger to lawsuits. In 1995, the company was sued by the International Olympic Committee for copyright infringement. The reason? The IOC believed Audi’s four-ring logo was too similar to the classic Olympic rings, which had originated in 1912. Audi won the case.
  • The 2018 Audi A8 can go from 0 to 60mph in 5.4 seconds.
  • There are 36,520 stitches in the leather upholstery of an Audi A8.

How safe is the Audi A8?

The Audi A8 has yet to be put forward for the Euro NCAP, although many expect it to perform well given its raft of safety measures and technology designed to limit the effect – or stop altogether – accidents on the road.

The Audi A8’s safety features include parking assist, occupancy sensor, theft deterrent alarm system and low tire pressure warning.

*Based on data provided by Consumer Intelligence Ltd, www.consumerintelligence.com (July ’24). 51% of car insurance customers could save £523.17
The offers compared on this page are chosen from a range of products we can track; we don't cover every product on the market...yet. Unless we've indicated otherwise, products are shown in no particular order or ranking. The terms "best", "top", "cheap" (and variations), aren't product ratings, although we always explain what's great about a product when we highlight it; this is subject to our terms of use. When making a big financial decision, it's wise to consider getting independent financial advice, and always consider your own financial circumstances when comparing products so you get what's right for you. Most of the data in Finder's comparison tables has the source: Moneyfacts Group PLC. In other cases, Finder has sourced data directly from providers.
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Danny is a publisher at Finder specialising in insurance and investing. He previously worked at the global insurer Aon and has appeared in national media giving advice on insurance. Danny holds a BA in International Business from the University of Plymouth and has undying loyalty to his average-poor football team, Portsmouth FC. See full bio

Danny's expertise
Danny has written 323 Finder guides across topics including:
  • Car, home and business insurance
  • Helping people save money on their insurance
  • Project management
  • Giving valuable insights to website visitors

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