nimbl promo codes for September 2024


Get £10 free pocket money plus your first month free

Get £10 free pocket money plus your first month free when you sign up for an annual subscription.

About nimbl

nimbl is a prepaid debit card for kids aged 6-18 which comes with a pocket money app. It aims to develop kids’ money skills by teaching them how to track, manage and control their earning, spending and saving. It does this through intuitive app features and comes with a monthly fee for each card.

You’ll find useful features galore on the nimbl app, including digital pocket money (kids can earn for tasks they complete), instant top-ups (parents can send money whenever it’s needed) and micro-savings (kids automatically save between 5p and £5 every time they spend on their card). The micro-savings feature acts like a round-up, teaching children the value of putting money away for a rainy day.

nimbl comes with 2 accounts – a Parent Account and a Child Account, so parents can keep a keen eye on what their kids are spending (and where) with instant notifications. You can also set up spending controls in the app and you can turn off online payments or cash withdrawals.

Check out the main pros and cons of nimbl below to find out more.

Pros and cons of NatWest Rooster Money


  • Micro-savings feature means kids can save each time they use their card
  • Instantly top up your child’s account wherever they are
  • Receive real-time spending notifications
  • Easily set spending limits when needed
  • Freeze and unfreeze the card from the app
  • Gifting feature lets family and friends transfer money
  • Manage more than one Child Account from a single Parent Account
  • No fees for topping up the accounts


  • nimbl charges a subscription fee, while some kids’ prepaid debit cards are free
  • No interest paid on savings
  • Fees apply when spending abroad
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