How to add or change your frequent flyer number on a booking

Don't miss adding your frequent flyer number to earn rewards and elite status.

Frequent flyer programs offer miles and elite status for eligible flights you take, including with partner airlines that may have their own frequent flyer programs. If you’re a member of several frequent flyer programs, you can pick and choose when you earn miles.

To earn miles and elite credits, simply add your chosen frequent flyer account number to your booking.

Update your booking online

With most airlines and 3rd-party travel websites, you can view your upcoming travel plans and make basic changes online. This includes adding your frequent flyer number to your itinerary. The process varies between services but generally involves:

  1. Going to the booking website. In your flight confirmation email, you’ll find a link where you can update your booking.
  2. Entering your booking details. Usually, you’ll be asked for your name and booking confirmation number.
  3. Updating your passenger details. Your frequent flyer information is usually located in the passenger details section. If it’s not, go through each section until you find it.
  4. Add your frequent flyer details. Provide your frequent flyer membership number, then save the updated details.

Check your booking details through your frequent flyer account

If you’re flying with the frequent flyer program’s main airline, you can check and update your flight details through your membership account.

Example: Updating your Aeroplan number for an Air Canada flight

Here’s how you could add or change your Aeroplan number if you booked a flight on Air Canada:

1. Go to and click on “Sign in” in the top right-hand corner.

2. Enter your Aeroplan number or email and enter your password.Air Canada login page

3. Add your Air Canada booking reference number to your account.

Contact your airline or booking agent

Another option is to call or email the airline or booking agent you went through. Give them your flight details and ask if they can add your frequent flyer number to your booking.

Depending on the company you’ve booked with, you may also be able to use online chat or social media to request this change. Some airlines let you check flight documentation through Facebook Messenger or Twitter. If you choose this option, provide your details only through a direct message rather than a public post.

Who is most likely to be researching how to change a frequent flyer number?

Finder data suggests that men aged 25-34 are most likely to be researching this topic.

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Source: Finder sample of 1,763 visitors using demographics data from Google Analytics

Add or change your frequent flyer number at check-in

Whether you’re checking in online or at the airport, there’s usually an opportunity to update your basic details. This is usually included under the Passenger section for online and self-service check-in options.

If you can’t find this option, head to a staffed check-in desk at the airport and ask a team member to add your frequent flyer details to your booking.

At a customer service desk

If you check in and later notice your frequent flyer details aren’t on your booking, you may be able to update them at a customer service desk. This largely depends on the airport and airline you’re flying with, so it’s worth looking at the airport map or visiting the airline website to check your options.

If you have access to the airline’s lounge, you could ask the staff there to update your details.

Ask at the boarding gate

This is your last chance to add your frequent flyer number before you fly. Get to your gate before boarding starts, then ask the staff at the gate to update your details. In this instance, being pleasant and polite could go a long way toward getting you what you want. Be aware that there may be restrictions, such as you not being allowed to update your information 2 hours before takeoff.

Add your frequent flyer number after the flight

If you forgot to include your frequent flyer number before your flight, you may be able to submit a claim to have miles and status credits added to your account afterward. Typically, you can do this only if you didn’t include another frequent flyer number for the flight. Contact the airline or travel agency you booked with to submit a claim.

Bottom line

Add your frequent flyer number to bookings so you can earn miles and elite credits. You can add them online or in-person at the airport. If you add the number before your flight, check your boarding pass to confirm your details have been included. Otherwise, hold on to your boarding pass and submit a claim for miles after your trip.

Not sure if you’re credit card earns you points and rewards? Compare travel credit cards to find the most rewarding one for you.

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Kevin Chen is a personal finance expert and a former writer at Finder. His expertise has been featured in CNN, U.S. News and World Report, Lifehacker and, among other top media. See full bio

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Associate Publisher, Investments

Jaclyn Hurst was an associate publisher at Finder. She has a Bachelor’s degree in Business from Redeemer University and a University Certificate in Management Foundations from Athabasca University. She’s as passionate about business and finance as she is about the great Canadian outdoors, organic Sumatra coffee and music. See full bio

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