Finder’s Editorial Guidelines launched in Canada in the spring of 2018 — but that’s not where we began. We were founded in 2006 in Australia, where we quickly became a leading comparison website partly because of our fairness, accuracy and independent analysis.

We’re wired to inform, educate, serve, challenge and amuse our users. Even as we extend our international presence, we remain committed to the values and principles that have underpinned our success as an independent and objective source of information.

Our values

  • Finder’s mission is to help consumers make better decisions.
  • Our goal is to be the leading consumer comparison and consumer education site in the world.
  • We know that none of this can be achieved unless our users trust us and believe that they can rely on the currency, objectivity and accuracy of the content we publish.
  • We’re a values-driven business.
  • Our absolute commitment to producing independent, objective, fair, considered, accurate and original content is what we believes differentiates us from our competitors.
  • We appreciate that our commitment to these values is sometimes inconvenient, but these values are what makes us, us.

Editorial principles

These editorial principles explain how we apply our values to the creation of exceptional and engaging content.


The news, reviews, criticism, opinions, analysis and product information we publish represent our views and not those of any other party.

We value and respect our independence.

Although we receive revenue and referral fees from advertising and affiliate links, we do not sell our opinions or tailor our analysis to maximize any partner’s commercial benefit. We are neither an agent, an associate nor a representative of any of the companies whose products and services we compare and analyse.

While we may facilitate referrals to external parties, we do not sell products or services and have no direct financial interest in the products and services we cover. This separation is reflected in our site’s Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy and Disclaimer. As part of that policy, we do not publish providers’ Terms and Conditions on our site but instead refer our users to the providers’ own site.

Sponsors, advertisers and partners do not approve our content or editorial direction.

If a commercial relationship is premised on another party’s capacity to influence our content or editorial direction, we’ll walk away from that relationship.

We will not publish advertising, advertorials or unreviewed content provided by external parties. We will not publish content that is, or appears to be, advertising material provided by a partner, advertiser or sponsor.

Our editorial team has full control over the content we publish and our editorial priorities.

The Editor-in-Chief or other staff members may, in some cases, choose to inform partners, sponsors and advertisers of content we’re about to publish but this is a courtesy and not an obligation.

Raised fist


As a publisher, we want to inform, educate, serve, challenge, amuse and delight our readers but in a manner consistent with our mission. We try to be reasonable, fair and personally disinterested in the outcome of our analysis or review, whatever topic we are covering. We aim to cover all relevant angles and to provide factual information to help users make their own decisions.

We actively avoid conflicts (or potential conflicts) that may undermine our objectivity or compromise our reputation for honesty and fairness. Where we cannot, we will disclose accurately and honestly all known facts that would help a user make an informed decision.

Where we make mistakes, we respond quickly and make any required corrections immediately.

Scales of fairness


The news, reviews, criticism, analysis and product information we publish represents our considered views.

We understand the value of our reputation and we take all reasonable efforts to ensure our published content is accurate, complete and current at the time of publication.

No content is published without internal review and, where required, we’ll involve lawyers or subject matter experts in this verification process.

Target with arrows stuck in it


We’re proud of the content we publish and we understand what’s involved in consistently producing exceptional and engaging material. For this reason finder is committed to publishing original content and recognising the authors of our published content.

We think originality, and honesty, are central to our success.

Because we understand what’s involved in consistently producing exceptional and engaging content, we will never knowingly use, reference or incorporate another’s content without their knowledge and permission. We respect copyright.

We do, and will continue to, actively resist those parties that try to use copyright and trademark law to restrict consumers’ access to information about their products and services. We respect intellectual property but we won’t allow partners, advertisers or sponsors to use intellectual property laws to influence our content or editorial direction.

Lightbulb emerging from a box


All our content (excepting opinions and advertisements) is written to help users make better decisions. The news, reviews, criticism and comparisons we publish have to be consistent with our mission.

We want our content to be usable. So we prefer to publish clear, accessible and practical content. We appreciate that some issues are complex but we relish the challenge of making complex and complicated material both interesting and understandable. Where we fall short, we’ll correct and refine as required.

To assist our users, we’ll often include on our site links to other sites. We will review these links prior to publication and we will not link to offensive, inaccurate or improper material or sites.

Users who are referred to a third party understand that they will deal directly with the third party to apply, open or take up an offer. Terms and conditions of particular offers, including Disclosure and Regulated, are hosted on third-party websites to which we refer users.

Graphic icon of a hand using a smartphone

Information, not advice

Although we want to help users make better decisions, it’s neither possible nor desirable to publish content that is directed to a specific individual or tailored to their personal circumstances.

We publish information. We do not provide advice.

We will publish tools, calculators, strategies and information that our users can use to make better, and better informed decisions, but we will never recommend a particular product or strategy as being appropriate for their needs and circumstances.

Where we consider that there may be a risk that the content we publish may be misinterpreted as advice, we will provide a clear disclaimer and recommend that they seek advice.

Blue information symbol


We are responsible for the content we publish on our site and we are accountable for acting in a manner consistent with our values and these principles. Where we make mistakes the editorial team will correct them immediately.

If a user, partner or other person has concerns about any content we’ve published, or if they have not had their concerns adequately addressed, they can refer the matter to us for a formal investigation.

Examining content for errors

Regulatory notices

Australia is the trading name of Hive Empire Pty Ltd (ABN: 18 118 785 121). Hive Empire is independently owned and operated. Hive Empire is authorised to provide general advice and services on credit products under Credit Licence ACL 385509. Hive Empire is authorised to provide general advice and services on financial products as a Corporate Authorised Representative of Advice Evolution Pty Ltd AFSL 342880. Hive Empire is authorised to provide general advice and services on general insurance products as a Corporate Authorised Representative of Countrywide Tolstrup Financial Services Group Pty Ltd AFSL 244436.

All information on the site is general in nature and does not constitute personal advice. Users are encouraged to speak with a financial adviser should they wish to discuss their own personal circumstances.

United States of America is the trading name of LLC a subsidiary of Hive Empire Holdings Pty Ltd.

United Kingdom comparison UK Ltd is a subsidiary of Hive Empire Holdings Pty Ltd.

Canada Comparison Services Canada Inc. is a subsidiary of Hive Empire Holdings Pty Ltd.

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